

I was browsing through the Sartorialist today and I found this girl as the newest entry.
Though i can only see 25% of her face, I swear this is my friend sarah cho who used to intern with me at MOCA. Funny thing is there is no way to confirm it because I do not know her phone # or email and I can't go on facebook anymore. But just in case, she somehow randomly finds this blog: is this you!?!?!


needz sum sanity

Why is it that I somehow always find myself surrounded by people with erratic behavior? I wonder how people like this can live with so much... err... "fervor"... I find it all very tiring. Most people would categorize me as a "chill" person, and I have to say that I am. Especially the past few years of my life, I've been like 0% drama- to the point where its become boring, almost.

But then again, when I come across all these crazies, it makes me just want to shrink back in my world and just want to be left undisturbed.

Whenever I'm around people like this, I feel my blood pressure slowly escalating.

sigh. but on to happier topics:

I want meself a babydaddy...

luckiest wives ever. and uhh luckiest kidz ever. Didya know Jon Stewart proposed to his wife through a crossword puzzle??? He even got Will Shortz to help him... Didn't Ray Romano propose to Deborah that way in "Everyone Loves Raymond"? I wonder who did it first...?


knowing God

how can one's heart ache and feel so full at the same time?


new noms

I found my next new food obsession:

Instant soon tofu!

Of course it's not as good as the real thing and I have to admit the dried up bean curds kinda put me off at first, but after mixing it with boiling water, it wasn't half-bad!

Plus, its a measly 135 calories. Thats like less than two Samoas! (or Caramel DeLites... as they call them now to be more p.c.)

But now my work is filled with the aroma of spicy seafood.

Oh update on the Samoas vs. Caramel DeLites issue:
Few weeks ago, some unreliable source told me that those delicious caramel-coated, chocolate-striped, coconutty cookies changed their name because it was offensive to Samoan people (I personally would be proud to have something so delicious named after my country). But after doing a bit of research on the good ol' reliable web, I found out that it was all just myth. It turns out that Samoas and Caramel DeLites are just manufactured by different bakeries: Little Brown Bakers & ABC Bakers, respectively. And depending on where your local girl scouts purchase their cookies, the names would (obviously) be different.

Oh, but it isn't just the names that differ, but their ingredients too:

1. Samoas use dark chocolate while Caramel DeLites use milk chocolate
2. Samoas has higher caramel content and are generally more fatty (yum!)

which is which? (muHAHAHA)

I feel like I just hosted an episode of Mythbusters...


c'est si bon!

My b-day was very sweet this year.

Good company, yummy food, a hello-kitty backpack, hot air balloon ride, life-awakening epiphanies... what more can one ask for?

And everyone was so accommodating, making me pretty little fruit platters in the spirit of my lenting.

My grandma packed me tiny tupperware containers of leftover tangerines, blueberries, and blackberries.

Now, that's love.


Dear Peanut Butter Bandit,

I'm usually not this anal when it comes to sharing my food, but I know you've been eating my peanut butter. Everyday when I reach in the cupboard to get my spoonful, I notice the jar getting lighter and lighter by the micro-ounce. Also, I see that you leave little ribbons of your Raspberry Jam in there too... i don't appreciate that... not one bit. What I don't understand is that you have your own peanut butter too- right smackin' next to MY jar nonetheless. So go eat your nasty, watery organic p.b. and get your stinky paws off my JIF. That is all.

Disgruntled and peeved,


space attack!

I had a dream last night that I had an opportunity to go on a spaceship and live in outer space for two years.

I remember Danny Glover was the captain and he was telling me how this was an opportunity of a lifetime (he seemed like a trustworthy figure). I looked at all the others that were getting on board... they were very eager, All-American folks.

The things that went on in my mind as I was putting on my spacesuit:
How claustrophobic am I going to get?
What are their bathrooms like?
I need to call school and ask them if I can put my status on hold...
Is this potentially dangerous?
The guy to girl ratio is definitely in my favor...
Would I be okay with possibly dying in a spacecraft?
Hey some of these guys are kinda cute...

If you want to feel uber depressed, read this book (though I have to say its contains some lovely prose):

"Cold men destroy women," my mother wrote me years later. "They woo them with something personable that they bring out for show, something annexed to their souls like a fake greenhouse, lead you in, and you think you see life and vitality and sun and greenness, and then when you love them, they lead you out into their real soul, a drafty, cavernous, empty ballroom, inexorably arched and vaulted and mocking you with its echoes- you hear all you have sacrificed, all you have given, leading with a loud clunk. They lock the greenhouse and you are as tiny as a figure in an architect's drawing, a faceless splotch, a blur of stick limbs abandoned in some voluminous desert of stone."

"Even his I Love you's", she said, "were like tiny daggers, like little needles or safety pins. Beware of a man who says he loves you but who is incapable of a passionate confession, of melting into a sob."

I think of my father, imagine him long ago at night casually parting my mother's legs with the mechanical indifference of someone opening a cupboard. And I say to myself: I will leave every cold man, every man for whom music is some private physics and love some unsteppable dance. I will try to make them regret. To make them sad. I am driving back toward my tiny kitchen table and I will write this: forgiveness lives alone and far off down the road, but bitterness and art are close, gossipy neighbors, sharing the same clothesline, hanging up their things, getting their laundry confused.

-Self Help, Lorrie Moore



You need to see this... all eight parts of it.

After watching this documentary on Liberia, I couldn't help but to have mixed feelings towards the conversion of Joshua Blahyi (a.k.a. General Butt Naked)- a Liberian warlord-turned-preacher. As I was watching the documentary, I was moved to tears by his amazing testimony, but after finishing it, I was left with a strange aftertaste of repulsion, bitterness, and awe.

Though Blahyi's testimony was a true testament of God's grace & mercy & power to transform, I couldn't help but thinking- how could God save this man who was a ruthless murderer, rapist, and cannibal? How could he choose this man and neglect all those people who are "kind" and "good" in the general sense? What is God's rationale for choosing His elect? It was all pretty difficult to swallow.

On one hand, it is monstrous, unfair, completely unjust. But on the other, it is miraculous, transcendent, and amazing.


cereal killer

I think out of the past 6 meals I've eaten, 4 of them have been cereal.

I've always loved cereal. It should be its own food group. I am very nondiscriminatory towards my cereal too: I like 'em sugary, bran-y, marshmallowy, fibrous, artificially flavored, au naturale, frosted, cinnamony, bland, fruity, you name it~

My brother brought home two of my faves the other night:
1. Banana Cheerios
-it tastes just like banana nut bread!

2. Special K Fruit & Yogurt
-So delicious... I end up fishing for the yummy yogurt pieces.

I remember my old roommate telling me that her friend loved Cranberry Almond Crunch (also a great choice!) so much during college that she gained 10 pds. from eating it religiously.


But I think its my dessert/sweets withdrawal that's leading me to this excessive consumption of cereal. Is this considered cheating?

ah finally found this after looking everywhere

pt. 1:
Colbert – Better Know a Beatle « Alyssa Milano">

pt. 2:
The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Exclusive - Paul McCartney
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorSkate Expectations



I was looking through the Oscar nominations this year, and I feel like I'm in the dark on a majority of the nominated films. As I was skimming through the lists, I realized that I am totally shallow with my movie preferences.

Among critically acclaimed films, I tend to avoid the grittier films such as "Precious," "Crazy Heart," or "The Hurt Locker," and prefer watching the highly stylized "A Single Man" or streamlined "Up in the Air."

I like the candy-colored Wes Anderson flicks (even their DVD cases are uber cute) to films like "There Will be Blood" and "No Country for Old Men"- movies that make me feel like I need to wash my face and clear the dust in my eyes/nose.

I guess its aesthete in me... I was always that annoying girl who needed to adorn my pages with hearts (a la Stacey McGill from the BSC)... that girl who cares what color boba straw she gets... that girl whose mood matches her polka-dotted underwear.

I am so concerned with packaging (graphic designers have careers because of people like me) that I sometimes value it more than the product itself.

Basically, I like pretty things. Is that so wrong?


great expectations

March is going to be a fun-filled month.

I will be turning 25. Practically 27 in Korean years! But only 4 in dog years... (or 3r6 to be more accurate... it's funny how I actually completely forgot about remainders until I had to grade math assignments at work). I don't know why people make such a big deal about aging, considering that people can live up to 100 nowadays. And if we take care of ourselves enough, we can still be functional for a good portion of those years. I just wish our biological clocks (as women) would allow us to stay fertile longer... so that our 20's-30's could be our "self-discovery, exploring" stage, and our 40's-50's could be our "settle down and make babies" time.

i actually remember that little intro in the beginning by Levar Burton. And surprise surprise~ they use a fortune cookie lead-in for the Asian girl. Wait... but it's not real though. American Psycho was actually one of the few books that I actually preferred as a movie. The book got too tiring.


its the end of all strain, its the joy in your ♥

So I tutor my little niece Natalie and she writes journal entries for me every week.
This week, the topic was: "What are you scared of? When were you the most scared in your life?"

She's a little bugger. I went the Skinner's "operant conditioning" route and tried to bribe her into doing her homework by giving her stickers and candy, but I realized that punishments in the form of public humiliation are much more effective. I make her do the "abra cadabra" dance in front of her whole family. I'm so evil.

My friend jane made me this delightful origami version of the Little Prince. She said she had a bunch of leftover origami from her origami-crazed days (which is so very believable), and I'm the only person who would appreciate this kind of stuff. I <3 it!

and to commemorate the beginning of the best month of the year: