
cereal killer

I think out of the past 6 meals I've eaten, 4 of them have been cereal.

I've always loved cereal. It should be its own food group. I am very nondiscriminatory towards my cereal too: I like 'em sugary, bran-y, marshmallowy, fibrous, artificially flavored, au naturale, frosted, cinnamony, bland, fruity, you name it~

My brother brought home two of my faves the other night:
1. Banana Cheerios
-it tastes just like banana nut bread!

2. Special K Fruit & Yogurt
-So delicious... I end up fishing for the yummy yogurt pieces.

I remember my old roommate telling me that her friend loved Cranberry Almond Crunch (also a great choice!) so much during college that she gained 10 pds. from eating it religiously.


But I think its my dessert/sweets withdrawal that's leading me to this excessive consumption of cereal. Is this considered cheating?


Angie said...

great... i've been looking for more cereal to eat!!! :D i am sooo gonna try the banana nut cheerioes. special k just reminds me of the special k challenge and people who want to lose weight -- which depresses me since i can't seem to lose weight whatever i do. =P

jane said...

i love how i switch from "my friend jane" to "my old roommate in college" to "a friend of mine" on ur blog. i feel so versatile^^ and mysterious