
what did i do today?

Stayed in the library and read this tale of first love, memory, and the distant & illuminated past:

"He was powerless because he had no precise desire, and this tortured him because he was vainly seeking something to desire. He could not even make himself stretch out his hand to switch on the light. The simple transition from intention to action seemed an unimaginable miracle."

"As Ganin looked up at the skeletal roof in the ethereal sky he realized with merciless clarity that his affair with Mary was ended forever. It had lasted no more than four days- four days which were perhaps the happiest days of his life. But now he had exhausted his memories, was sated by them, and the image of Mary, together with that of the old dying poet, now remained in the house of ghosts, which itself was already a memory. Other than that image no Mary existed, nor could exist."

I fell in love with Nabokov ever since Lolita. His words are delicious.

These days~

People have been asking me how it feels to be a new yorker. Honestly, I still feel like I'm on a vacation... not having classes and work has been nice... though a little stressful and taxing knowing that my funds are dwindling and that I need to find a job pronto. But the novelty hasn't worn off, and I find myself bright-eyed and piqued by all the sights and sounds of the city. My comrade and I have been trekking through Manhattan (no joke... like 40+ blocks at a time), just breathing in everything (yes, the smog-filled, sewage stench still has its rugged charm).

Though I can't say I'm a 100% New Yorker... I've been having to move back and forth from New Jersey and New York everyday these past few days. People ask me if it's a pain in the arse having to commute the 30-45 min bus ride, but sometimes it can even be my favorite part of the day surprisingly so (but then again, its only the beginning). I guess you can say it's the only true "alone time" that I have. During the daytime, I just immerse myself in a book, and during nighttime, I just listen to some emo music while I just stare out the window and enjoy the view across the Hudson River. It's quite breathtaking... I would take a picture and post it up, but it wouldn't do it justice.

My lovely friend actually gave me The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay as a farewell present, and how apropos it is! I can empathize with Joe Kavalier as he embarks into the unknown city with big hopes and dreams. Of course, his journey is a bit more meaningful since he's leaving a Nazi-ridden country as a refugee and dreams of rescuing the rest of his family back in Prague. J.K. is such a stud... I remember a while back, jane wrote an entry about how she would date the guy if he was real, and now I totally understand.

Anyway, so today, while I was reading the book in Union Square, I got to a part where Joe starts thinking about his family back home and even thinks he sees a man who looks like his father at the New Jersey port. While I was sitting on my park bench, I actually thought I heard someone that sounded like my grandma. It was an uncanny coincidence! So, at that moment, I decided to give her a call, since she did complain to my mom about how I never call her. She was quite pleased~


i h8 goodbyes.

I guess this indefinite timeline thing is not making things any better either. But I'll just say (for now) that I'll be coming back in a couple of months... so it won't seem as scary when I'm saying my goodbyes. As for now, it doesn't seem like I'm really, truly leaving. I guess it won't hit me until the airport when my grandma starts to tear up <- that's one thing I'm NOT looking forward to... =(

Now that I'm in the process of picking & choosing which clothes to take, I realized I kinda wear the same clothes all the time. There are my constant pieces that I wear on a weekly basis, and then there are those articles which are kind of in the periphery that I wear once in a blue moon. But sometimes, the clothes that I don't wear as often, I treasure more... so what to do? Bring more of the wearable staples and forgo all the occasional items? I hate packing.

I realized once I'm out there, I'll be truly living the bohemian life... not in the sense that things will be romantic and free-spirited, but in the sense that I'll be impoverished... unless I find a sugar daddy that will pay for all my meals & entertainment, but I'm not counting on it... -_- Some of my friends think I'm brave, some think I'm stupid. I am starting to agree more and more with the latter. Quick!~ Hurry up and ship me out of here before I regain sanity!

The future is limitless. And with that, I say "adieu, L.A." Or at least, c u l8r.


고 필승 코리아!!

tis the season again....

when all we see is red
when everyone is filled with Korean pride
when all the k-pop groups come out with world cup songs
when we stay up til the wee hours of the morning to root for our team

i feel the eggcitement in the air~~



I've noticed I have a penchant for extremely cutesy, cheesy songs (see below). And I get the same giddiness from watching sentimental, lighthearted rom-coms (at least if they have decent plotlines and tolerable characters).

But I realized I don't have the same preferences for books. I don't know what it is, but the sadder and more depressing a book is, the higher its quality is. No story ends with a happy ending... bittersweet at best. That's why I'm not a big fan of chick-lit (with the exception of helen fielding).

But lately (I don't know if its the fragile emotional state that I've been in recently), I realized I cannot handle such melancholic, wrist-slitting literature. Every time I've been picking up a book, I end up putting it down after a half-hour because of its extremely dry/depressing content.

So I really want to read a book that is light and fluffy, yet still rich and deep (sounds like I'm describing food). If possible- with a sweet, romantic plot and lovable characters. Prz, lemme know.


on a late summer night....

^that's gona be me soon...

^lykke's rendition, albeit incomprehensible at times, makes my heart hurt


couch potatoe

So aside from spending Memorial Day at the 찜질방 with my dad, I ended up vegging out in front of the telly with my friend. It's been a while since I've watched television to be honest... it's been so long that I don't even have any idea what movies are out right now.

So here's the gist of the trashy programs I've missed out on:
-Tori Spelling's reality show... we just marveled at how her husband can wake up to her face every morning (i know... we're cruel, but she's rich and famous so it's okay)
-the infamous Jersey Shore... wanted to know what the hoopla was about this show, but the overly tanned, shiny muscled bods made me feel kind of nauseous
-One Tree Hill- never watched this show, but can't believe it's still running?
-Gossip Girl... I had no clue what was going on, but apparently everyone's in college now... Blair's an outcast and Georgina (hate her!) is part of the "in crowd" now, because that's what happens in college right? The cool kids become trite & lame, and the losers become quirky & cool. I don't know if it's Korean programs with stick-thin celebrities that are getting to me, but everyone looked kind of fat (?)
-Bachelorette #8? or 12? or 57?... not worth commenting.

But there was one show that was worth watching for more than 10 minutes...
Future Food!

Basically, it's a show about these two chefs, Homaro Cantu & Ben Roche, who own "Moto"- an avant-garde restaurant in Chicago that experiments with molecular gastronomy. These guys are chefs with a mad scientist twist who experiment with food in order to make dishes that are more environment-friendly and waste-efficient. It is so coooool. If I was a chef, I would love to work in their kitchen... their kitchen is more like a science lab, and every show, they have these little challenges like trying to imitate seafood with absurd substitutes (watermelon for tuna?!) and making yummy burgers with the ingredients from cow feed. If I'm ever in Chicago, I want to try this place out! Unfortunately, it is rated $$$$ on yelp...