
if i were an animal

i'd def. be a pig-rabbit.

eating pineapples, reading the news

Foxconn Suicides Continue: PHOTOS Inside The iPhone Factory Plagued By Deaths

Huffington Post | Bianca Bosker First Posted: 05-27-10 09:00 AM | Updated: 05-27-10 09:13 AM

The Foxconn Technology Group's factory in southern China has been plagued by suicides in recent months. A young man who jumped to his death late Wednesday became the 10th person at the Shenzhen factor--and the 11th Foxconn worker--to commit suicide this year. His death came just after Foxconn's chairman led a media tour of the factory.

The Chinese factory is one of Apple's "main manufacturer contractors," and in addition to churning out iPods, iPhones, and iPads, the factory also supplies Intel, Dell, Sony, Nokia, and HP, among other firms.

The Associated Press writes of Foxconn's labor practices: "Labor activists have long said that Foxconn's problem was a rigid management style on factory floors, where the assembly line moved too fast and workers were forced to log too much overtime. Foxconn has repeatedly denied the allegations."

The company plans to institute new measures it hopes will prevent additional employee deaths. In addition to installing safety nets on Foxconn buildings, Foxconn chairman Terry Gou said more counselors would be hired, and explained that "employees were being divided up into 50-member groups, whose members would watch for signs of emotional trouble within their group." The Sydney Morning Herald reported yesterday that the factory had also asked their employees to sign a "no suicide" pledge."

See pictures of the Foxconn factory in the slideshow below. Read more about the most recent tragic death here.

A "no suicide" pledge & safety nets? Now, that's just ridick.


i miss 홍대

Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.



I finally woke up my old ibook after 3 years of hibernation...

yepp I got it the day I moved into ucla... that's the day right there:

Same girl with the same bad dye job.

I was going through my old files and pictures, and it made me feel oh-so-nostalgic.

And it kinda weirded me out because I could vaguely remember some of the pictures I took or the stuff I wrote... like, when did this happen? Isn't that a strange notion though? If we didn't capture our moments or write down our thoughts, there would be nothing to trigger those memories and they would just be lost forever...for-e-ver! that makes me think of my days and how I spend them. Many times, when people ask me what I did last week or last weekend or even just yesterday, my mind comes to a complete blank. Are my days so unmemorable that I can forget them so easily? Or do I just have really bad memory and need to write down or take pictures of everything to remember? That's why I decided I need to journal and take pictures more diligently. In order to remember. Because without it, I will feel like I never lived those moments. And that to me- is kind of scary.

Anyway... here's my old dorm room... i'd wake up to that lovely face of edward scissorhands every morning~

i look like the most ardent apple fan ever. also, is that colin pharrell on my wall? I don't even remember liking him in particular?

Ahhh~ so eager, wide-eyed, & hopeful. Before "life", before heartbreak, and before freshman 15. Oh, if I only knew.


nasty nom noms

Doesn't that look like the grossest thing ever? I am so disgusted with America sometimes (I remember I didn't realize how rabidly obese Americans were until I came back from Korea and went to Target for the first time).

Well aside from its amazingly high sodium content (~1,400 milligrams), there's just something unsettling about this equation. Two slabs of fried chicken + fried bacon + melted cheeses. Something about it just doesn't sit right with me. Like the Protein Burger at In-N-Out... it just looks so... deformed. Like a mutant of a sandwich. *shudder*

We were talking about weird food combos at comm group this one time:

ramen & cheese
ramen & doritos
chili cheese & rice
peanut butter & jelly & ham
milk & 밥 (rice)

milk & 밥... ? everything else i've heard/tried before, but milk & 밥 is all new to me...

that reminds me of this horrible nightmare I had as a child where I had to eat strawberry milk and rice together. I kept crying because I didn't want to eat it... and the thought/image/taste of it still makes me want to GAG.


textually competent

I remember my cousin telling me that the only thing more dangerous than a handsome man is a man who talks well. And I'd have to agree... I'm sucha sucker for talkers! There's nothing more attractive than a man who can carry on a good conversation and articulate his thoughts... (but really is that too much to ask for?!) I always think of the movie Meet Joe Black... I think it's the beginning scene where Brad Pitt's character first meets Claire Forlani's character in a diner and they're just chatting it up (you know right before the most ridiculous scene ever where he gets hit by the car outta nowhere?)... I just think he is SO charming in that scene, and I think that's the first/only time I really found the guy irresistibly attractive.

But now that we're in the "digital age," i feel written communication is sometimes even more important than verbal communication.

I find myself going gaga over guys who can write eloquent emails, smart blog entries, and witty texts. Ugh... witty texts are killer. But it's kind of tricky, because it's almost like they have to have the right amount of cutesiness or it's just gross/lame. I remember in Korea, all the guys would write really cutesy texts even if they're not necessarily a cutesy person in real life. It was so strange. I remember telling people that they must all have some kind of texting handbook that they follow. No joke.

and I end with this note:
you led me on with your emoticonz.
sending me winks with your semi-colonz.


사랑 빛

c.n blue's new single!

I <3 these boyz.


to the loveliest person i know

Mother’s Hands

The smartest girl in class. In the entire district.

Basketball player, ballerina, artist, nerd.

The girl who ran away from her family

to marry a handsome man they despised.

The girl who got beat up by Puerto Rican cholitas

when she first came to New York.

Big dreams, big city met with a slap in the face.

The girl with book smarts

and no street smarts

-Seems to be a running theme.

When I was younger

I told myself I’d be different from her.

They say kindness kills

And she was always feeding others,

While she was weak and malnourished

From her overly full heart.

But it’s strange

How I can see her identity slowly seeping in me.

Like a punch stain making its way

Through the intricate DNA of a sweater.

Though it’s not an obvious red

But a less evident flavor

Like clear white grape cranberry.

And I find her in my hands and feet

with veins that swell with the sunlight.

I find her in my “thank you”s

And the little nervous tremor in my laugh

When I’m speaking to strangers.

I feel her panicked politeness

when I dig for exact change in my wallet

at the checkout counter.

Her profile, a graceful neck and coiffed hair

Etched in the coins.

Those 63 cents. I cannot let it go.


one art

The art of losing isn't hard to master;
so many things seem filled with the intent
to be lost that their loss is no disaster.

Lose something every day. Accept the fluster
of lost door keys, the hour badly spent.
The art of losing isn't hard to master.

Then practice losing farther, losing faster:
places, and names, and where it was you meant
to travel. None of these will bring disaster.

I lost my mother's watch. And look! my last, or
next-to-last, of three loved houses went.
The art of losing isn't hard to master.

I lost two cities, lovely ones. And, vaster,
some realms I owned, two rivers, a continent.
I miss them, but it wasn't a disaster.

--Even losing you (the joking voice, a gesture
I love) I shan't have lied. It's evident
the art of losing's not too hard to master
though it may look like (Write it!) like disaster.

-elizabeth bishop


rite of passage

I think I have officially crossed over that line to adulthood... by becoming addicted to coffee.

I've become one of those people who just can't get through the day without it. I think it's a mental thing... because I'm sure I could physically survive without it. And the funny thing is it takes me a ridiculously long time to finish a cup. In fact, if I were to get a regular-sized iced hazelnut coffee @ mcdonalds (with only 2 pumps of hazelnut por favor!), it literally takes me all day (or even two) to finish it. grace-face can testify to that.

But one thing I hate how about coffee is how it makes your breath stink.
(and by "your," I mean "my.")

In fact, I think my post-coffee breath makes people think that I'm socially awkward/inept, because I try to keep my distance from people when I talk to them. For example, when my boss/co-workers come upclose to me to ask me something, I find myself taking a few steps back and looking away as I respond to them.

oh well...

Oh! I realized it's already May and summer is fast approaching... and my legs are insanely pale, and I can no longer hide under layers of bulky, shapeless clothing.

The sunlight has become my enemy... I think I'm getting influenced by my pale, sun-repellent friends (e.g. jane) as I slowly find myself growing such vampirish tendencies.

No... not the sunnnnnnnnnnnn.

well, better soak it up real good before we face an ugly, muggy NY summer.