
rite of passage

I think I have officially crossed over that line to adulthood... by becoming addicted to coffee.

I've become one of those people who just can't get through the day without it. I think it's a mental thing... because I'm sure I could physically survive without it. And the funny thing is it takes me a ridiculously long time to finish a cup. In fact, if I were to get a regular-sized iced hazelnut coffee @ mcdonalds (with only 2 pumps of hazelnut por favor!), it literally takes me all day (or even two) to finish it. grace-face can testify to that.

But one thing I hate how about coffee is how it makes your breath stink.
(and by "your," I mean "my.")

In fact, I think my post-coffee breath makes people think that I'm socially awkward/inept, because I try to keep my distance from people when I talk to them. For example, when my boss/co-workers come upclose to me to ask me something, I find myself taking a few steps back and looking away as I respond to them.

oh well...

Oh! I realized it's already May and summer is fast approaching... and my legs are insanely pale, and I can no longer hide under layers of bulky, shapeless clothing.

The sunlight has become my enemy... I think I'm getting influenced by my pale, sun-repellent friends (e.g. jane) as I slowly find myself growing such vampirish tendencies.

No... not the sunnnnnnnnnnnn.

well, better soak it up real good before we face an ugly, muggy NY summer.

1 comment:

grace said...

i kind of miss your pictures of days-old mcdonalds coffee....