
rainbows & lollies

There seems to be a type of Lolita Syndrome going around specifically amongst the Korean community.

The stars these days, or maybe just in the K-pop realm, seem to be getting scarily younger and younger. Or maybe it just seems that way bc I'm just getting older? Pretty soon, anyone born in the 80's will seem prehistoric... (Can you believe high school kids these days have no idea what "Saved by the Bell" is?)

Anyway, I guess the U.S. has its Zac Efron, Vanessa Hudgens, & the Jonas Bros., but do they have 40+ year olds feening/lusting over them? Okay, maybe they do, but I'm sure the majority of their fanbase is pubescent tweens and it'd be considered somewhat taboo for older, middle-aged men & women to admit to being in their fandom. But in Korea, people are pretty shameless about their pedophilic desires. My friend once told me that one of his friends worked at those Korean bars/clubs frequented by older women, seeking a jolly, good time with younger male waiters and that these kind of joints are pretty popular. In Japan, they even have "menus" hanging outside of the clubs, displaying all the photos of the young, pretty lads and lasses you can choose from. It made me feel kind of gross. Do we have anything of its equivalent in the U.S.?

I remember when there was that public uproar over Miley Cyrus' Vanity Fair shoot, where she was posing topless (though she was fully covered by a bedsheet). See, Koreans are a bit craftier with their methods of marketing their young 'uns. They brand them with the overly-innocent, prized-virgin appeal. Though they're 16, make them act/look like they're 10. Ah~ but don't forget to put them in shortass skirts so that they still have sex appeal, leaving audiences rather conflicted... "Am I supposed to find this hot? And if I do, am I going to jail/hell?" It's all kinds of wrong, but that's the entertainment industry for you...

my boys... how they've exploited you~

Even If you asked me a year ago, I would say that I would only date older guys, preferably by 3+ years. But now, I would say I wouldn't mind dating a younger guy. After all, they'd probably smell nicer, be more agile, less hard-headed, and more fun, right?

Ick... what am I saying... I don't ever want to be a "madame."



yesterday's game felt like it was straight out of a sports movie... except it didn't have the the happy, david-beats-goliath ending that I wanted it to have. i am still heartbroken over the loss. boo-hoo.

but nonetheless, good job team korea. you've done me proud.

t.k. kim looks like my daddy:

Even though Korea and Japan are both East-Asian countries with little people & cute stationary, there's a completely different vibe I get from both cultures. And though I only visited Tokyo for just a few days, it felt drastically different from Seoul. The weird thing is I can't quite put into words how they are so different. Maybe when I figure it out, I can write some type of thesis on it. The analogy that comes to mind right now is korea: japan as cactus cooler: fanta. or Magic Mountain: Disneyland? No that's not it... maybe, Carls Jr.: McDonalds? mm that's not quite it either. i'll think of a better one.


the winter of our discontent

I feel I have reached the ultimate apex of pathetic-ness (does that sound paradoxical?) in all areas of my life. But what gives me solace is knowing that one day, far from today, this period of my life will seem really funny to me.

But instead of enjoying it then, I might as well start laughing now.

Wow... I think my sense of humor is developing quite nicely.

On a sidenote: I'm really excited to see this movie...

It's a hipster movie dream come true. Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon Levitt, indie soundtrack, two allusions to 80's rock in the trailer alone, "Enchanted" references," Sundance written all over it. The whole film looks like it shot from a Diana camera.

It's the Garden State of 2009. And c'mon now...admit it, you know you liked Garden State at that time of your life... you know, that time when it was cool to like Garden State. Now, that movie is "oh-so-passé." Please. Don't be so full of yourselves!

On a side-note of a side-note: