

yesterday's game felt like it was straight out of a sports movie... except it didn't have the the happy, david-beats-goliath ending that I wanted it to have. i am still heartbroken over the loss. boo-hoo.

but nonetheless, good job team korea. you've done me proud.

t.k. kim looks like my daddy:

Even though Korea and Japan are both East-Asian countries with little people & cute stationary, there's a completely different vibe I get from both cultures. And though I only visited Tokyo for just a few days, it felt drastically different from Seoul. The weird thing is I can't quite put into words how they are so different. Maybe when I figure it out, I can write some type of thesis on it. The analogy that comes to mind right now is korea: japan as cactus cooler: fanta. or Magic Mountain: Disneyland? No that's not it... maybe, Carls Jr.: McDonalds? mm that's not quite it either. i'll think of a better one.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

i love how your dad catches baseballs without looking. crazy.

korea: japan as soju: sake