
the winter of our discontent

I feel I have reached the ultimate apex of pathetic-ness (does that sound paradoxical?) in all areas of my life. But what gives me solace is knowing that one day, far from today, this period of my life will seem really funny to me.

But instead of enjoying it then, I might as well start laughing now.

Wow... I think my sense of humor is developing quite nicely.

On a sidenote: I'm really excited to see this movie...

It's a hipster movie dream come true. Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon Levitt, indie soundtrack, two allusions to 80's rock in the trailer alone, "Enchanted" references," Sundance written all over it. The whole film looks like it shot from a Diana camera.

It's the Garden State of 2009. And c'mon now...admit it, you know you liked Garden State at that time of your life... you know, that time when it was cool to like Garden State. Now, that movie is "oh-so-passé." Please. Don't be so full of yourselves!

On a side-note of a side-note:


Anonymous said...

this was like the happy meal of all blog posts.

you got some chicken nuggets, a small order of french fries, and even some small, syndicated toy that was produced by the weak hands of some poor, exploited Malaysian child.


jane said...

u r so girly, julie.

i tie with u in patheticness. i prob beat u in it actually.

check out the festival of books list. aimee bender's gonna be there.