
i h8 goodbyes.

I guess this indefinite timeline thing is not making things any better either. But I'll just say (for now) that I'll be coming back in a couple of months... so it won't seem as scary when I'm saying my goodbyes. As for now, it doesn't seem like I'm really, truly leaving. I guess it won't hit me until the airport when my grandma starts to tear up <- that's one thing I'm NOT looking forward to... =(

Now that I'm in the process of picking & choosing which clothes to take, I realized I kinda wear the same clothes all the time. There are my constant pieces that I wear on a weekly basis, and then there are those articles which are kind of in the periphery that I wear once in a blue moon. But sometimes, the clothes that I don't wear as often, I treasure more... so what to do? Bring more of the wearable staples and forgo all the occasional items? I hate packing.

I realized once I'm out there, I'll be truly living the bohemian life... not in the sense that things will be romantic and free-spirited, but in the sense that I'll be impoverished... unless I find a sugar daddy that will pay for all my meals & entertainment, but I'm not counting on it... -_- Some of my friends think I'm brave, some think I'm stupid. I am starting to agree more and more with the latter. Quick!~ Hurry up and ship me out of here before I regain sanity!

The future is limitless. And with that, I say "adieu, L.A." Or at least, c u l8r.

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