
great expectations

March is going to be a fun-filled month.

I will be turning 25. Practically 27 in Korean years! But only 4 in dog years... (or 3r6 to be more accurate... it's funny how I actually completely forgot about remainders until I had to grade math assignments at work). I don't know why people make such a big deal about aging, considering that people can live up to 100 nowadays. And if we take care of ourselves enough, we can still be functional for a good portion of those years. I just wish our biological clocks (as women) would allow us to stay fertile longer... so that our 20's-30's could be our "self-discovery, exploring" stage, and our 40's-50's could be our "settle down and make babies" time.

i actually remember that little intro in the beginning by Levar Burton. And surprise surprise~ they use a fortune cookie lead-in for the Asian girl. Wait... but it's not real though. American Psycho was actually one of the few books that I actually preferred as a movie. The book got too tiring.

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