

I'm usually a person that can survive off minimal sleep. I can stay out 'til 6am but I'll still wake up around 9am regardless. But I think all those years of sleep deprivation have caught up to me, because I have been able to sleep unhealthy amounts ever since being back in California. I think NY is like a drug that gives you a natural high, and no matter how tired you might be, once you step on the streets, you feel the adrenaline pumping in your veins. California seems to have the opposite effect: as soon as I got here, I've been feeling perpetually doozy and lethargic. I don't know what to do with myself. I'm usually the person who hates waking up late or taking naps, because it makes me feel groggy and unproductive, but right now, I have to say- it feels soooooo freaking nice.

On a related note, I think I'm the last person in the world that hasn't seen Inception. And after two insistent tries, I still am the last person in the world that hasn't seen Inception. There was so much built-up hype for this film I almost couldn't get myself to watch it. But my brother bought the blu-ray version, and it quickly became one of the less ambitious items on my Christmas break to-do list. I was really excited but as soon as I would start watching the movie, I would inconveniently start getting extreeeemely sleepy. I was trying to fight every fiber of my being to stay awake (isn't that the most painful feeling in the world?), but my eyelids just would not listen. I made it to the 15 minute mark on the first try, and on the second attempt, my brother asked, "are you really not gona fall asleep this time?" And I did, an hour through. The second time around, I actually woke up at the last scene, and I thought to myself "wow... that was a really good ending." Maybe it's because the movie is about dreaming, so it has this power to lull me to sleep. The concept is truly interesting... very Matrix-like with the alternate worlds and worlds within worlds (or dreams within dreams)... while it also reminded me of Eternal Sunshine with its messing with people's minds and subconscious. At times, it felt a little gimmicky, the dialogue felt kind of elementary, and I think they could have casted someone else for Ellen Page's character. But before I judge, maybe I should watch the whole movie from inception to completion (lame, I know).

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