
baby stalker

I'm not a big "baby" person... I'm part of the rare minority of Korean girls who don't go goo-goo ga-ga over every baby in sight; instead, I'm a bit awkward. But for some reason, I love looking at baby pics on facebook. Yep, instead of stalking ex-bf's and random people, I like stalking babies. ~Yet, I don't understand parents who make facebook accounts for their babies... something about it is kind of unsettling and creepy. Like if I were to grow up and find out my parents made a fb account for me... I would feel a little violated. I didn't give them permission to post all my pics for the world to see or the power to choose my friends. It's like my parents not only gave me the gift of life but cyberlife as well. That's just too much. But who knows, maybe starting from this generation, all babies will start having fb accounts. It'll be as common as a birth certificate. The future scares me.

1 comment:

YoungisLearning said...

This argument applies to a lot of things like...

pierced ears

Ionno what else :-).
But you bring up a good point. Will these kids grow up and eventually take over the fb pages their parents made for them. Or will they simply make a new one?