

I remember someone saying that our dreams come from:
1. God
2. Devil
3. Our own subconscious (i.e. if we really want/desire pizza, we will dream about pizza)

Recently, I've been having dreams that circle around this central theme, which I will not divulge here in this all-too-public blogosphere. If you want details, you can try to come steal my personal journal.

But every morning when I wake up, I find myself a lil' confused and very perturbed. I wonder why I keep having these recurring dreams. And what to make of them. I feel as though these dreams are sourced from #2 & #3.

It's interesting to me how some people don't have dreams or can never remember them. I feel as though I'm one of those people who get deeply affected by my dreams in some way or another. Well, first of all the dreams I've been having lately are very vivid and in-touch with my reality. So throughout these particular dreams, I'm never thinking "oh no biggie... this is just a dream." (Though I've had ones like those too in the past.) In fact, right when I wake up, in my dazed state, I question if these things actually happened.

Regardless, it needs to stop before I'm driven mad.

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