
words of wisdom from (not so) negative nancy:

"you're doing just fine. new york's just a hard town, and it doesn't get you yet. you've been there for like an hour. once it realizes who you are, it'll take you more seriously and apologize profusely for putting you at an eastern bank branch. new york isn't a city for dreamers. it's a city for urban outfitters dreamers that can't get over themselves so they end up in fashion or at a magazine and start acting like they're better than everyone else. you're in a town where everyone is trying to one up everyone else. that's the only reason you feel this way. focus on you. screw everyone else. screw new york. just keep doing it until it steps back and apologizes. sometimes, you gotta put on your rain boots and slosh through a demeaning bank job to put your nice pumps on again. also, don't try to out negative me! i'm the gd queen! i'm offering positivity right now! i'm trying to bolster your sense of self-worth. you know this is hard for me!!! but at the end of the day you're the smartest person i know and if you can't figure it out, god help us all. seriously jules, you're gonna be alright. this is the part where i lean in and hug you. you recoil; maybe throw up a little on my shoulder and everything is still okay, because you're julie hong. you're like ferris bueller, but not old and married to that girl that looks like a horse."


w said...

HAHA who wrote this? its pretty awesome

sjc said...

this person is a keeper!
can i be his/her friend too?

whatever it is, hang in there. embrace the journey, always.

grace said...

GOOD GOD. i want to give him a hug right now.