
kpop pretty boys have nothin' on these guys

My two favorites from the golden era of film...

Marlon Brando: The Ultimate Bad-ass
He plays a crook, fighter, wife-beater, rapist. And I still can't get myself to hate him. I remember watching "On the Waterfront" and falling in love. I think that's where these faulty notions of finding a "reformed badboy" were originally planted in my foolish little mind. I recall watching "Streetcar Name Desire" on a plane ride to somewhere (I think Korea?)... yeah~ not really a plane movie, but Brando's greasy bod and brash accent were so unexpectedly attractive. And comeon~ he grows up to be the freaking Godfather... how can you get more gangster than that?

And then at the complete opposite end of the spectrum

Gregory Peck: The Good Guy
From the noble attorney to the upright journalist, this guy makes me have faith in mankind... I would've married him in a heartbeat(but then again, who honestly wouldn't?). The last scene in "Roman Holiday" is one of my favorite movie scenes of all time; It's so bittersweet it makes my heart & body ache when I watch it.

Funny that Brando and Peck apparently didn't get along in real life.

They don't make movies (or men) like these anymore...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

really? you're going to compared today's korean fairies to these guys. no way.