
forbidden fruit

Whether it comes to a one-sided love or the toy that your brother has, you always want what you can't have. For me, I feel that way a lot about food. I always crave things that are physically impossible for me to eat at that given moment. For instance, I would crave Korean food while I'm at work. Or eggnog milkshake after Christmas season. Or girl scout cookies during non-girl-scout-cookie-season.

Ever since watching a t.v. program where one of the characters was eating a fresh, crisp apple, I really wanted to eat one the latter part of the evening. I looked in our fridge, and there was no such thing in sight (Our fridge is really sad. Meaning there is nothing edible in it.) A-ha! But I found a quince in the lower drawer... yes I actually took it from the restaurant I visited the other day (c'mon it was in a big basket on display in the front... they were asking for it). Anyway, I actually never ate a quince before in my life, but it looked close enough to an apple, so I decided to give it a go.

I knew something was a bit fishy when it took 10 minutes to cut through the fruit. I almost cut my fingers! But desperate as I was, I decided to eat it anyway. Big mistake~ it was hard (surprise, surprise) and left a nasty, dried up feeling on my tongue. Ick!

Lesson learned: No matter how desperate you are and how close this desired object is to the real thing, do not settle. Because you will realize that though it looks like an apple or smells like an apple, it ain't no apple.


w said...

what da hael is a quince?!

sputniksweetheart said...


as im typing this, im eating an apple and its so delicious...

jojo said...

i always settle for a substitute and then get the real thing later. but nothing ever satisfies cuz the cravings always return...

could this be the textbook definition of gluttony?

Unknown said...

if only child molesters tried to justify themselves for taking children off of playgrounds in the same way you justified your taking of the quince.

"but he was asking for it, your honor!"