
Cali vs NY

I think it's funny how the people I meet here have this misconception that Cali people are really nice. New Yorkers know that I'm an out-of-towner right away, because they say I smile too much. My NY native friend claims that Cali guys are not as conniving and have clearer skin... she wants me to set her up with a "nice, LA boy." If you mean by nice, you mean lazy and unmotivated, why sure! Okay, I guess that was a little harsh and unfair to categorize all SoCal guys that way, but East Coasters really do have a different standard when it comes to ambition and career goals. I felt very humbled when I first came to NY, because I felt like I was constantly surrounded by people who were smarter and more successful than me. Coming from the suburbs of Cali, I definitely felt like a small fish in a big pond. In fact, I still kind of feel this way. Everyone is either embarking a prestigious career in law/medicine/finance or taking up the entrepreneurial spirit and starting their own business; this was somewhat of a rarity among the Cali folks from back home. I guess the New York perception of us is true... we're just laid-back beach bums who ride life on the slow lane.

Which reminds me, I'll be home in less than 2 more weeks. I feel like going home to nice, sunny California is like a cop-out; I am such a fair-weathered friend. Next year, I promise I'll spend the holidays in cold, moody NY.

Which also reminds me, ever since I was little I really wanted to go to Santa's Village (that's after LegoLand and Holy Land in my list of ridiculous theme parks I desperately want to go to). I wonder if the California location closed down? It was the closest thing to a real "Christmas experience" in Cali.

Thinking about it now, I'm sure it would be extremely strange and creepy.


w said...

I'm pretty sure Santa's Village has been closed down for years now. At yes, you being there would be extremely creepy.

Joyce said...

duuuude i think i've been before!! in san bernadino! Lol but yes, it closed down. and for the record, it sucked. hahaha

Young said...

What's funny is that NYC ppl are on one end of the extreme too. You might call them motivated and set for a prestigious career, but what if they're too hardworking?

In terms of "bang for the buck" - I think CA ppl make more per hour :-P. New Yorkers just work themselves to death for similar wages.

This is an interesting observation! I want Cho to live here a little haha