
New Joisey

Before moving here, the most exposure I had to N.J. was the movie Garden State and that it was the origin of a couple of indie bands.

Whenever I'm hanging out with Manhattanites, they seem to scoff at me when I tell them I live in Jersey. I didn't know where all this hate across the Hudson river originated from, but I guess New Yorkers have some type of superiority complex.

I guess its a possessive/pride thing, but I'll defend what's mine even if I don't know why. (Kind of like how I would mindlessly defend Hacienda Heights to Diamond Bar folks... and how I would claim Bruin pride in front of any Trojan<- though there is some rhyme and reason behind that one.) Anyhoo, ever since I moved here, I feel like I've been watching all these shows located in my current resident state. I watched the Jersey Shore marathon...

And I'm sadly addicted to the Real Housewives of New Jersey... I'm actually watching it right this minute as I'm typing this blog entry...

I'm also simultaneously watching the Rome episode of No Reservations. (Anthony Bourdain is actually a native Jerseyite though he is reluctant to admit it... and his Jersey episode is what got me hooked on the show.)

So after watching all these shows (and killing brain cells), I've come to a the conclusion that Italians are awesome. They are so fiery and in-yo-face... unlike timid, passive-aggressive Asian-ness. I love it!


jojo said...

i like how you scoff more strongly at my scoffing at "bridge/tunnelers".

p.s. i'm think i'm italian at heart!

NateKwak said...

i'm not sure if this has anything to do with the post exactly... but the GNC India team had a layover in New Jersey yesterday and i thought of you guys!

sputniksweetheart said...

aww nate. my heart feels so warm knowing that my fellow GNC-ers were so nearby. sigh I should've been on that team =(