

Ah~ the weather is beautiful today.

The past few days, I've been wanting to burst into my own rendition of "Good Morning" (Singin' in the Rain) every time I wake up (though I didn't "stay up late"). The bright shining sun, the cool crisp fall air makes me want to breathe in deeply and smile to myself.

Today I will not let the little things bother me.

I'll sink into my carseat and drown myself in Badly Drawn Boy tunes in the usually unbearable LA traffic.

I'll whistle throughout the office as I perform my mundane chores (if only I knew how to whistle).

I wont even let the crazy Korean moms get to me.

I'm in a dandy mood, because I'm going to see Nick Hornby today~ Funny thing is the only book I read by him in its entirety is "High Fidelity." I started "How to be Good" and "About a Boy" and never made it all the way. Wait- I take that back... I read "The Polysyllabic Spree" but that doesn't really count since its a meta-book (book about reading books). Oh and "Songbook" too, though I wouldn't really count that either.

And I guess I'll have to have him sign my copy of "A Long Way Down" though I only got through the first few chapters (the characters annoyed me), since somebody out there didn't return my "High Fidelity" after I graciously let them borrow it. But I guess that's the silent agreement- if you let someone borrow a book or DVD, you shouldn't expect it back.

I think my only friend that understands this obsession with celeb-writers is my friend Jane (though she's MUCH more fanatical than I am). She's so bold... I remember when we saw Dave Eggers (we're suckers for the McSweeney's entourage), she asked him for a hug and a picture, and I just stood there and shook his hand dumbfoundedly. I can't help but to freeze up when I come in the presence of such greatness- the noggin o' gold underneath that balding head/moppy brown hair, the calloused magic fingertips. I also met my favorite poet Billy Collins at the Skirball last year... I was the first or second person in line for the signing and I totally froze like an idiot and ended up making some lame, generic comment. I'm no good when it comes to playing it cool.

1 comment:

jane said...

hahah how was it??

and not true. at least abt the playing it cool part. i look crazy and hysterical.

u'd think with all this practice it gets better but it doesn't. i'd say junot was the nicest of all the writers i've met. and chris ware :P