
nom nom nom pt. 2

Someone once told me that I eat like a grandma. I guess what they meant was I like to eat bland food. And I really do. But only if they're meant to taste that way, not because it's supposed to be flavorful but turned out bland.

These are my stand-out korean food items:

1. 인절미 떡

My favorite type of ricecake. I have no idea what its made out of but its ricecake covered with this yellow-brownish powder (If you know what this powder is, please enlighten me!). My mom usually brings home a whole container every time she goes grocery shopping at the Korean market and I usually end up eating the whole thing in one sitting.

2. 호박죽
Pumpkin porridge. Sometimes, they serve this as an appetizer/dessert at Korean bbq restaurants... forget the galbi~ I could eat this as my meal. Well, not really, but we always end up asking the waitresses for extra to take it home. But only if my grandma asks, because they can't say no to her.

3. 무나물

One of my favorites...it's a radish sidedish, but I have no clue how its prepared or how its seasoned or anything. But anyway, that's what I love most about Korean food... the variety in sidedishes or their "ban-chan." I should probably learn how to make some.

4. 미숫가루

I tried looking online to see what it is... and I believe it's translated to "Korean Cereal Tea"... whatever that means. But it's a powder that is very similar (or the same) as the yellowish-brown powder used in the rice cakes above. You can mix it with water or milk or ice cream (?) to make a milkshake. I usually mix it with milk... and I bought these handy-dandy individual packets that I can take on-the-go. So simple & easy to make... it can even be used as a protein shake! (ok I made that up but I think it's used as a dietary supplement... but don't quote me on that).
^Look! even the little kid can make some!

5. 은대구 주림

Spicy Cod Casserole. My favorite Korean dish of all time... though it's not a "grandma" food. It's very tasty actually. The fish just melts in your mouth... and they usually put potato and radish chunks in there too.

It usually looks a lot better than this picture, but I couldn't find any online.


jean said...

my mom drinks 미숫가루 everyday for fiber!

grace said...

you have officially made me SUPER HUNGRY!!!

jane said...

HAHAHA this entry is hilarious. wow u js made me get a craving for misutgaru.

but i must say u do eat... "traditionally." pumpkin porridge?