

today, i decided on green nails to match my green mood.

"what exactly does that mean? to have a green mood?" someone asks.

now that I think about it... I'm not sure myself.

If you think about it, green is probably the most multi-faceted color in the spectrum:

*go ("red means stop, green means go" a la half-dome)
*luck (of the Irish!)

another useless tidbit: my mom loves the color green (its her fave)... and her email address is vertami, which translates to "green friend" in french.

for me, green's okay, but i prefer yellow/pink/orange/red/blue and everything else. except purple. i hate purple!

ps. that picture up there isn't me. i have a hand/foot double (i'm insecure).

1 comment:

jane said...

hey where'd u get that green color? i lvoe it.

the nail polish lover