
nocturnal cravings

Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night with these intense, inexplicable cravings.

This one night last week, I woke up really wanting to eat cheese pizza. No toppings, just plain cheese. I NEVER crave cheese pizza. I think it's a sorry excuse for a pizza. But that night, I was almost tempted to call Pizza Hut at 3 in the morning. I ended up having pizza the next day, but it had toppings so I had to take them all off (wasn't quite the same).

Just last night, I woke up at 4am really itching to hear that song on that new ipod nano commercial (damn Mac and their smart advertising gimmicks!), which I later found out was Chairlift- "Bruises." At 4:00am, I got my laptop and downloaded it on limewire. I couldn't find the headphones with the lights off, so I turned the volume down to the lowest notch possible (so I wouldn't wake up Ana), put my ear to the speaker and satisfied my craving.

I've been listening to the tune all morning.

This all made me think of the Murakami story I read recently:

Reading this made me really want a McDonald's Big Mac.


Anonymous said...

god you're so pregnant it's seeping into all socio-emotional gamuts of your life now.

jane said...

do u know murakami was in SF like a few wks ago? AH! so mad i didn't know abt it.

and aimee bender was in sf for the prog reading series! u should seriously visit!