

It's been a while since my last post... reason being (and this is bit embarrassing to admit) i just found it annoying/frustrating to navigate on the new blogspot interface- where are all the buttons?! Why does Facebook/Google feel a need to update their "look" every other week- just leave it be. don't you guys have more important stuff to do?

There's nothing more moody than NY weather. These past few weeks, I've suffered the brunt of unexpected rainshowers and surprisingly warm weather. rain, rain go away.
So, I've been reading the Steve Jobs biography, and I just find myself constantly marveling at this man's life - from his family history to his love affairs with famous artists to (above all) his legacy at Apple/Pixar.  And it amazes me what a cold, cruel person he was at the core - but then again, geniuses to that caliber are usually not the most warm, down-to-earth people.

The bio does a pretty decent job showing a fair share of the bad with the good:
Jobs was often manipulating and possessed a dangerous charm in order go get his way.
He was a smelly dirty hippie (he believed his fruit/vegetarian diet took care of hygiene).
He was distant to his past lovers, wife, and children (mostly his daughters).
He took people's ideas and called them his own (even after publicly denouncing them at first).
He was a big crybaby.

Despite all his gigantic flaws, I can't help but to respect the man.  While reading the book, I literally find myself getting chills when he's developing a new idea or presenting a theatrical product launch. And what I appreciate the most is that Jobs really knew how to craft artistry in technology. Not only were his products a piece of art (I still remember my first ibook - whatta beaut), but even their packaging & their ads were tasteful with a touch of whimsy. Still one of my favorite ipod commercials:


jonathan park said...

i love apple products, but i read the Stve Jobs biography and thought what a jerk! I don't wanna be like him in any way! haha.

Jess said...

you're one of the OG apple users! lol yea its like you don't like him, but are amazed by him~