
caution: stupidity ahead!

So, a few weeks ago, I decided to sponsor a child from Compassion, a Christian children advocacy ministry (my boy is from the Philippines!), and I had to fill out and send back this little information pamphlet, sharing a bit about myself to my kid. So today, after finally remembering, I started filling out my pamphlet until I came upon a portion where I had to draw in a star on a map to indicate which state I'm from.

Okay... this is kind of embarrassing for me to admit in the huge realm of the blogosphere (and I know I'm going to put every UCLA grad to shame), but I didn't know where NY was on the U.S. map.

But in my defense, geography was never my strong suit! And it's not as big and distinct as California! And as many souvenirs and memorabilia there are for NY, I don't see anyone with a shirt with the shape of the state on it!

Okay, fine I'm dumb. I'm down to the level of those people who are in the "Jay-walking" segment on the Tonight Show, where they don't even know who the president of the US is.

All right, so I actually googled the map of the East Coast. Funny thing is even after seeing NY, I couldn't believe that was how New York looked like. New York isn't supposed be that big. And New York City can NOT be that tiny. I could not believe that the five boroughs of NY were that tiny compared to the rest of New York. And what are these other places? Onondaga? Cattaraugus? Chemung? - They sound as foreign as African tribes. Delaware? Isn't that a separate state?

My ignorance of the greater world (or even Greater NY) astounds me. I'm gona go study a map now.

And I remember seeing this the other day in my feed:

Sad thing is, I'm not even a true New Yorker.

1 comment:

Jess said...

hahahha that second map...
its true, geography was not :P