
night owl/early bird

I love the feeling of "a second wind". I don't usually get them very often; trust me- when I'm out, I'm out (ask my friends), and no amount of coffee/red bull/any other crazy caffeinated supplement will do me any good. But sometimes, I just get this second burst of energy, coming from some unknown, mysterious source (God, is that you?). It feels good to have some clarity in the head.

This week, I truly understood what it means to be "dead-tired." I used to use the word lightly (other words I use rather lightly, but probably shouldn't: "depressed", "pissed", "best tasting", "awesome"). I was literally in pain on Saturday coming home on the train fighting to keep my eyelids open, in desperation of not wanting to miss my stop and ending up in the deep neck of Queens.

On a newsworthy note: Bye Bye Osama. The wicked witch of the middle-east is dead!
Of course, Huffpost would be all alarmingly straightforward about it.
I remember whenever I would check HuffPost back in March for the Japan updates, they'd scare the bejeezus out of me every morning with their enormous HEADLINES in blood red and panoramic images of destruction.

I know some folks say "just give it to me straight!" but I prefer my news hopeful, non-threatening, and coated in sugar:

disclaimer: I'm not saying Bin Laden's death is bad news that has to be sugarcoated, but I'm just talking about the overall delivery of their content in general. The presentation of HP just reminds me of those "WANTED: dead or alive" posters or something. Their messages are like hard punches in the chest, while other news sites are like soft, encouraging pats on the back.

My friend Roy, a soldier in Afghanistan. He's a happy camper.

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