
the young & elderly

One thing about being in NY is that all the people I come in contact with on a daily basis is in the age range of 21-35. In fact, I sometimes wonder if there are any kids/teens in NY since I barely even see them outside in public. At my work, my director/boss is one year shy of being 30, and I don't think there's anyone in the office in their 40's and above. Even the oldest married couples at church are in their early 30's (and it's not like we have a KM with older parents either). You would think it would be fun and exciting to be constantly around people your own age (which it is), but sometimes, I feel as though a part of my life feels empty.

I didn't realize how much this took a toll on me until today when I found myself playing with the babies at church (ah~ they're so cute) and gravitating towards these korean grandparents in the bus. A few weeks ago, after seeing some pictures of my nephew back at home, I realized how much I missed him and my niece. It was so strange... it wasn't like the kind of extremely temporal and sporadic hollowness I feel from missing friends at home (where I would think about them briefly and possibly end up texting or fb messaging them), but it was an almost painful, longing kind of heartache. I ended up calling their house and talking to them. I know they could care less about talking to me (I think their mom literally forced them on the phone while they were watching t.v.), but it warmed my little heart to hear their extremely high-pitched voices. I also called my grandma, and though she can't hear anything I'm saying due to her poor hearing, it was nice to be greeted by her screaming about how much she misses me. I can't wait to see them all for Christmas.


jean said...

my town is completely the inverse of yours! it's babies to high schoolers and then old people.

Young said...

Agreed. I miss the completeness! Oh NY. Looks like maybe you'll have to go to the NJ service :-P