
you better get your move on (woah-oh), or all the good ones will have gone....

Funny incident today at work:
A pretty blonde lady strolls into our office.
"Oh I'm looking for Scott Randall."*
I look up Scott Randall in our directory and see a photo of a frumpy, curly-haired dude (kind of like the grown-up version of those Superbad guys).
"Oh, are you a vendor or a client?" I ask.
She smiles sheepishly and replies, "Neither. A girlfriend."

And right then before my jaw dropped, Scott Randall comes out and they greet each other with a kiss and walk into the office together.

Diva coworker next to me says, "Ooh. That Scott Randall is one lucky mofo."

I laughed, but I couldn't help thinking he must have a lot of money, which he probably does since most of the employees (at least the males) at my office do. (That's a very cruel thought to have, isn't it?)

But its a weird thing I noticed while living and people-watching in New York. There are extremely mis-matched couples, especially the homely (plain, at best) men with their gorgeous girlfriends. Either the women in this city are really not superficial (with looks) or extremely superficial (with money).

But I always thought if I was extremely beautiful and modelesque, I think I would care less about my beau being physically attractive. It's like since I'm so good-looking, I'd get sick of seeing too many good-looking people all the time. Does that make any sense?

Then I thought maybe I need to lower my standards a bit when it comes to outer beauty. Maybe the only path to happiness (apparently from the New York girls I've been observing) is that girls just need to be with guys that are 3-4 notches less attractive than them. That's the only way a girl can be truly adored and secure in a relationship. But then again, how could you be with someone without being even a little bit physically attracted to him? How would you wake up to their face EVERY morning of your whole life if you didn't like that face? But then again, sometimes even a good-looking face could get tiring to look at if you had to look at it every morning.

My cousin said her standards have been changing as she gets older. First, she says she was all about the face (very handsome with good features and structure)... then she realized she can't be that picky anymore and just asked for good height (5'10"+)... but then she realized the pool is too small, so then she just settled for a decent body (not fat and not too skinny). I realized that more than being strictly handsome, it's all about having a good (warning: gona turn a lil fobby here) 인상, which basically means "impression/vibe." Yep... and everything else is just a bonus.

*name has been changed to protect identity.

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