

I know that when I'm too old to work (at least a serious 9-5 kinda job) and have an active social life, I want to retreat to the beautiful countryside of Switzerland.

Maybe it's because I'm such a neutral person (??), but I have always had an affinity towards that place ever since I visited it ever-so-briefly for my crazy whirlwind tour of Europe during my sophomore year in high school. Yes, I went to England, France, Germany, etc., but for some reason, Switzerland always comes up in my thoughts and held a special place in my heart. The Louvre and the Palace of Versailles do not rival the pristine beauty of the Swiss Alps. And though I actually had the worst experience there (getting food poisoning and rashes all over my body), I can't help but to think of the place with the fondest of memories.

I remember the streets in the towns being immaculately clean and the country having the most beautiful landscapes. I remember taking the cable cars up the Alps with my buddies and engraving our own little swiss army pocket knives (mine had "snatch bag" written on it- a term of endearment among us girls... funny when years later, I saw it dangling amongst my dad's key chains). Oh, and we stayed at the coolest (and kinda creepy) jailhouse-turned-hotel.

I just want to go back someday, build my quaint little estate, and live there with my husband & lots of animals. All day, I'll just read, write, garden, bake cookies, listen to soothing music, and eat Toblerones. Ahh~ that would be the life.

**a little tidbit: Audrey Hepburn went to Tolochenaz, Switzerland during her film-making hiatus to raise her family and lived there for the latter part of her life.

Her grave is still there today.

1 comment:

skarispeak said...

This is kind of a long shot, but my little sister took this exact same picture from her recent trip to europe and I wanted to make a large print of the picture (for her 21st birthday) but the memory card was lost and I only have the facebook image that is too small and grainy. I was wondering, if you still have the full size image on your computer or memory card and if you could email it to me so I could use it to make a large print for her to remember her trip. I don't know what else to do and this is the EXACT picture she has. Thanks!
please email me: skarispeak@yahoo.com