
facebook is the devil!

I think I've said this sometime before, but I guess I have this sudden urge to reiterate it.

I think Joyce said it best when she said it's like tabloids for the normal folks you know... or people you don't really know that well at all.

Just like how Star or InTouch can make you feel like you "know" famous stars to some extent, Facebook gives you this entitled feeling that you know certain people, making everyone into your B.F.F. as well as a mini-celebrity.

Just the other day, I saw this guy who I never, ever formally met (but I believe we have mutual friends), and we just kind of looked at each other for an uncomfortable amount of time (I think he was trying to figure where he remembered me from). We were both like... "Uhh... I know you from somewhere..."

Except the sad thing is I knew where I knew him from, but was too embarrassed to say it. I've seen him in photos of friends on Facebook. And I'm sure he knew me from Facebook too! Kind of unsettling...

And we've become celebrities in the sense that there are all these unwarranted photos of ourselves floating in cyberspace that we can't remove. Yeah, we can untag ourselves all we want, but they'll still be there!

Yeah okay, Facebook does have its good qualities... like setting up Events or getting in touch with old friends. But then again, I feel I have less of a desire to see people that I would otherwise miss, since I get the latest scoop of their lives on FB neway. Also, I get to see all these cool things and places other people are doing. Though I don't know if that's a good thing, since it makes my life seem rather mediocre in comparison (that's actually probably more my fault than anyone else's...) But really how do these people have the time & moolah to travel the world?!?! It really stirs up the wanderlust in my sad, yearning soul.

Oh, and FB really needs to stop suggesting who I should be friends with. If I really wanted to friend him, I would've added him already. So leave me alone! Stop trying to run my life.


Anonymous said...

uh oh. looks like it's time to walden it and move into the woods!

jean said...

so true... i hate how we can't remove the photos...

if we ever became celebrities there would be so much of our past for the netizens to make fun of...

Jess said...

Oh, and FB really needs to stop suggesting who I should be friends with. If I really wanted to friend him, I would've added him already. So leave me alone! Stop trying to run my life.

uhhh so true cuz i just got screwed by that haha

jojo said...


i noticed you up and left fb world. i am also thinking about doing the same thing.. its just too time consuming!! and its making me into MORE of an exhibitionist.. UGH