
on the road...

I think the most depressing job ever would be to clean up after roadkill.

Some might say, "But what about cleaning up after dead people?"

But I stand firmly in my stance.

The reason why is that as morbid and gruesome as it may be to see people's brains blown out or a person's limp, lifeless body, at least there is some story behind it- a sad or twisted story about the death whether it be natural, intentional, or even self-induced.

But when you see the a stiff dog on the side of the freeway or a confetti of possum guts on the road, you know there is no explanation for anything. They just aimlessly wandered on the street and had an unfortunate accident. It is what it is.

I don't know if it's just me or has there been an abnormal increase of roadkill on the streets these days? Or maybe just the people haven't been doing a good job cleaning it up (I don't blame them) and I'm just seeing the same tattered bits and pieces day after day. Or maybe I'm wrong... that there is an intent behind the action. Maybe there is a higher rate of depression among animals these days. Who knows...

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