

The other day, as I was trying to study at the library, I kept getting distracted by these little junior highers who were cursing up a storm. I'm not one of those people who go around washing peoples' mouths with soap or anything, but I feel like cursing needs to serve some type of function. And that purpose is when you're so pissed that your mind literally draws a blank.

i.e. the only times I curse:
1. when I get road rage
2. when I fight with my brother
3. when I hurt myself accidentally
4. when I mess up my nails

But in this case, these kids were integrating profanities in their everyday speech as if it was no biggie; the expletives just spewed out of their dirty lil' mouths without any qualms. And not only that, but there were a few grandmas and grandpas hangin' around within earshot. This really irritated me (albeit these elders were Chinese and probably didn't understand what the kids were saying). Call me old-fashioned but there are certain things you don't do in front of old people (e.g. smoke, spit, and especially curse). In fact, you shouldn't spit anywhere. I especially hate it when girls spit... so unladylike.

I know I'm no Miss Priss myself, but some of these kids these days need to go to charm school to build some social etiquette. Or they can just read Miss Manners.

I actually borrowed it from the library once... I believe it was the one on Communication- it was pretty hilarious. They have different guides for Eating, Domestic Tranquility, Rearing Perfect Children, and Common Courtesy (or should be called Uncommon Courtesy).

And what the heck happened to chivalry? I remember this time I went on a trip with two guy friends and a girlfriend, and we all stayed in one hotelroom. There was only one Queen-size bed, and there was no way we could all fit. We were trying to figure out the whole sleeping situation, and it was just taking too long so I volunteered to sleep on the floor. The guys didn't budge. I mean yeah, neither one was my boyfriend (nor did they a special liking towards me) so they didn't have any obligation/motive to treat me nicely, but still~ I was a little irked by the state of affairs. Men should always treat women with special care. Because of the pains of childbirth, menstrual cramps, waxing, etc. And the burden of always looking beautiful (or at least trying to).

1 comment:

Jess said...

you totally cuss under those 4 circumstances LOL