

Seeing a familiar face today made me realize just how lonely my life has been since I started working full-time again. I haven't had one-on-one time with anyone in a while, and it was nice to actually have a long, meaningful conversation with somebody. These days, I have been miss antisocial. The energy has been sucked out of me and has left me bone-dry. At least, I have been growing closer to my grandma... she's a doll. I even painted her nails the other day and she slept in my room like a slumber party!

People I miss (in no particular order):
-Irene Bean: my TKB partner/master (Karaoking is not the same without the Recintoses!)
-Ana Bettina: my roomie I would make beautiful (or err... subpar) songs/music/poetry with... Oh, let's embrace the subpar!
-Natasha: my soon tofu buddy & inspirational life coach
-My Canonites... Shanez: the "Dawn" to my "Claudia"<3, Hec: my stomach twin, Shaz: my little person
(I found my Alf pog while I was rummaging through my stuff, and it made me miss those golden days on the 9th floor... oh was it the 8th? It's been too long, my friends)
-LA boys and Parking Lot (our work-out sessions rewarded with late night junk food are greatly missed)
-My Janes: my homebodies (watching illegally downloaded movies and bummin' round the hometown)
-My other Jane: my fellow bookworm who I could turn to for complaining about miserable states/unemployment/writers block/general cases of hysteria
-My 윤선언니... It's only been 1-2 weeks but I miss living with her.
-My 2 J's.... though I still see them regularly I feel as though it's been a while since we hung out as a tripod... What happened to the magic? =(

It's good to have friends.


kimsington said...

speaking of... where the hell can i get some zoloft samples???

jane said...

aww i miss u too jules! :*) ana and i were talking abt u and ur cuteness last week.