

Now that I'm a certified recessionista, I realized I need to be more careful about my spendings.

I feel like I'm becoming more cheap- uhh... I mean frugal- than I was in my toilet paper-stealing, dorm-meal-mooching college days.

I find myself declining on social activities unless it's *really worth it.* Back in the day when I was young and wild and free (or oblivious to money troubles), I would jump at the chance to attend events or parties or pretty much any type of outing. But nowadays, I find myself meticulously calculating in my head: Who's going? How often do I see these people? How much do I care about them? How far is the drive? Is it worth wasting gas? How much will I need to spend? Is there cover charge?
^Sounds horrible, no?

So that explains why my entertainment/recreational activities lately consist of going to the library (yes I'm a giant nerd) and watching movies with free movie tickets (recommendations: Star Trek & 17 again!)

Though I could call myself a foodie (I thoroughly appreciate delicious foodz and fine dining), I am also a creature of survival... meaning that if I'm by myself and trying to save money, I'm fine with some rice and seaweed. I think that's why my culinary skills are so... basic. I'll be content with a PB&J sandwich for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Unfortunately, I don't think my future hubby and kids will be too fond of that.

One vow I will publicly declare (Because I realize I don't keep my promises unless I openly state them):
I WILL NOT buy anymore clothes until I've worn all the clothes I currently own at least once (and the same with shoes).

It's funny because I clean out my closet every few months, and in those few months I'll have more and more stuff to throw away. An article of clothing can depreciate in value in a matter of days. Especially if there are more clothes items that are added to the mix. It's a cyclical process. But I figure if I stop buying new clothes, I'll have to do with the resources that I already have. I guess that calls for more creativity on my end.


jane said...

haha did u actually steal toiler paper? were u copying me? i thought that was my thing HAHA :P (not that i'm proud of it... jeez i was intense)

sputniksweetheart said...

haha yes im sorry it is YOUR thing... we just copied you. but then damn ucla started locking their toilet paper dispensers... ahh well we steal stole napkins. haha

billykim said...

i'm frightened for post-undergrad life, but thanks for the heads up. i should steal as much toilet paper from my dorm buddies before i leave.