
Poetry vs. Prose

I've always been inclined
to pick Poetry over Prose-
It has always been my design
For encapsulating passion or the morose.

Only with poems you can get by
With corny compliments or a kudos
Like "Your eyes are more beautiful than the sky"
or "Your scent is sweeter than a rose."

You can make fun little phrases for kicks
Like the common "Bros over hoes"
or my favorite- "Chicks over dicks"
Little mantras with a twist I suppose.

Everything sounds better in brevity
Who wants to read a long-winded piece
when poems can also carry longevity
With well-worded caprice?

Quality over quantity I say!
Isn't that the motto of our beloved fast-food joint?
I could go for a double-double or a milk shake
But that is straying away from the point.

Poetry- I will always show you favor
Though the neglected brother of prose
You will always be my favorite flavor
For writing my deepest thoughts- as it clearly shows.