
google time

So I was trying to look up my friend Joyce on yelp, because I wanted to check out her reviews...

But then I realized she wasn't my friend on my yelp account (I don't have friends-_-), so I decided to google "Joyce Kim yelp" on google, but while I was ever-so-slowly typing her name in, google gave me some suggestions for keywords/phrases:

Wow. I didn't know Joyce was such an accomplished person. She is a renowned gynecologist who graduated from Columbia (and is a free-lance artist and works for Soompi on the side). Plus, she's a character in the Big Bang Theory.

I got this neat lil' character description from the Big Bang Theory Wiki:

Joyce Kim (Ally Maki) was never shown in a single episode until The Staircase Implementation and she also mentioned in various situations throughout the first season. She is one of Leonard's former 'girlfriends' whom was mentioned by his friends. They were only together for twenty-seven days, after which she defected to North Korea. We still aren't sure if it was out of free will, or if it was forced in order to give an excuse to break up with Leonard. We can only assume from Leonard's friend mocking, she went to North Korea in order to break up with him. Flashbacks show during The Staircase Implementation, Leonard was working on rocket fuel at the time under a DARPA contract and Joyce Kim was a Spy attempting to obtain his work.

Cool beans! And the girl who plays her character, kinda looks like her! So strange... I wonder if Joyce knows this? Hmmm... I'm sure she does because I'm suure she's googled her name before. But on the off chance that she hasn't, here's a little tidbit of info for ya!

A little overexcited from my discovery, I also wanted to see what Google would suggest for my name:

How disappointing is that.

I wonder how Google determines these search suggestions... is it just by popularity amongst users? If anyone knows an answer to this, please let my curiosity be satiated.


rachlyu said...

heeehehehe JULIE HONG!

rachlyu said...

hrmm. i'm sad. I just googled myself and nothing came up......i hate google

jojo said...

i'm going to have to kill you now that you found out my secret identities...

grace said...

i get all sorts of crazy stuff on google ._.