

I finally woke up my old ibook after 3 years of hibernation...

yepp I got it the day I moved into ucla... that's the day right there:

Same girl with the same bad dye job.

I was going through my old files and pictures, and it made me feel oh-so-nostalgic.

And it kinda weirded me out because I could vaguely remember some of the pictures I took or the stuff I wrote... like, when did this happen? Isn't that a strange notion though? If we didn't capture our moments or write down our thoughts, there would be nothing to trigger those memories and they would just be lost forever...for-e-ver! that makes me think of my days and how I spend them. Many times, when people ask me what I did last week or last weekend or even just yesterday, my mind comes to a complete blank. Are my days so unmemorable that I can forget them so easily? Or do I just have really bad memory and need to write down or take pictures of everything to remember? That's why I decided I need to journal and take pictures more diligently. In order to remember. Because without it, I will feel like I never lived those moments. And that to me- is kind of scary.

Anyway... here's my old dorm room... i'd wake up to that lovely face of edward scissorhands every morning~

i look like the most ardent apple fan ever. also, is that colin pharrell on my wall? I don't even remember liking him in particular?

Ahhh~ so eager, wide-eyed, & hopeful. Before "life", before heartbreak, and before freshman 15. Oh, if I only knew.


Angie said...

ude, i totally loved Down With Love, even though it tanked in theaters. hahaa.

Jess said...


jojo said...

OMG to the flashback of BOBBLEHEAD BOOLIE!!!!!!!!!