

You need to see this... all eight parts of it.

After watching this documentary on Liberia, I couldn't help but to have mixed feelings towards the conversion of Joshua Blahyi (a.k.a. General Butt Naked)- a Liberian warlord-turned-preacher. As I was watching the documentary, I was moved to tears by his amazing testimony, but after finishing it, I was left with a strange aftertaste of repulsion, bitterness, and awe.

Though Blahyi's testimony was a true testament of God's grace & mercy & power to transform, I couldn't help but thinking- how could God save this man who was a ruthless murderer, rapist, and cannibal? How could he choose this man and neglect all those people who are "kind" and "good" in the general sense? What is God's rationale for choosing His elect? It was all pretty difficult to swallow.

On one hand, it is monstrous, unfair, completely unjust. But on the other, it is miraculous, transcendent, and amazing.


Angie said...

That's our God

NateKwak said...

goodness i liked this post. I know what you mean, julie. All i know for certain is that God is there, He definitely cares, and He is good. I guess just trusting in that is generally what faith is all about?