
Dear Peanut Butter Bandit,

I'm usually not this anal when it comes to sharing my food, but I know you've been eating my peanut butter. Everyday when I reach in the cupboard to get my spoonful, I notice the jar getting lighter and lighter by the micro-ounce. Also, I see that you leave little ribbons of your Raspberry Jam in there too... i don't appreciate that... not one bit. What I don't understand is that you have your own peanut butter too- right smackin' next to MY jar nonetheless. So go eat your nasty, watery organic p.b. and get your stinky paws off my JIF. That is all.

Disgruntled and peeved,


Jess said...


rachlyu said...

heeeeeehahahha. yeah who is it?? your brother??