
you know you're getting old when...

So there's this teenager who comes into my tutoring place ... and everytime he comes in, he in-sah's * to me.

At first, I found it pretty hilarious. You see, I never had anyone in-sah to me before. But then as he kept doing it day by day, I started to take slight offense.

So today, he does it again.

Me: (laughing good-naturedly) You know Tony... you really don't have to in-sah to me like that...
T: But I have to... you're, like, way older than me.
Me: I'm not that much older... How old do you think I am?
T: I don't know maybe 20, 21?
Me: Err... actually I'm 24.
T: (mouths "dayyammm!") You're a whole decade older than me. See? I have to in-sah to you! (bows again before he leaves)
Me: -_-
*def (trans. from Korean): greet and bow formally/politely as how you would with elders/authority figures

1 comment:

grace said...

my awana kids thought i was 35 :(
they asked me how long i was married and how many kids i had.