
sibling rivalry

If I had to pick just one (yes, just one) especially unfair thing in the world, it would have to be the unbalanced distribution of good genes amongst siblings (especially amongst siblings of the same gender where the comparisons are the most blatantly evident).

You see, I don't pity people who have prettier/richer/smarter friends, because that is their choice. You can choose to have uglier/poorer/dumber friends if you really wanted to boost your self esteem. But those people who have such "blessed" siblings, it is rather unfortunate, because it could have easily been you instead of your sister. You do share the same mother and father, but how come she's a beauty queen or the valedictorian? It was just an unlucky draw in the sad lottery of life.

I remember reading "Jacob Have I Loved" when I was in elementary school and feeling all kinds of pity, anger, frustration for Louise "Wheeze" Bradshaw who pretty much gets gypped in every way possible by her beautiful twin sister Caroline. Heck- Caroline even ends up marrying Call, Wheeze's childhood best friend.

I also remember reading "East of Eden" and empathizing with Cal, who yearns for his father's love and attention. Even after working hard and presenting his hard-earned money to give to his father, Cal still remains in the shadows of his perfect, angelic brother, Aron (I honestly couldn't stand Aron and his pious prissiness). I felt so bad for Cal that I wanted to name my first-born son after him. Pretty ridiculous, huh?

Good thing I'm the better-looking and brighter one in my family (just kidding... we're both equally unfortunate). I guess our roles are pretty balanced though. He's the oldest boy (which in a Korean family, means A LOT), and I'm the baby girl. Though our roles are kind of reversed, because I'm the more responsible one and he's more of the 부니기 maker (or in plain english, he livens up the atmosphere).

I notice that even at my work, I do play favorites. I unintentionally give more attention and affection towards the cuter, livelier, more sociable kids. I promised myself that when/if I have children (that means more than one), I will treat and love my kids equally even if its against my natural instinct. But I think that's one of the wonders of having children... to see what they will look/act like. I do hope they are smart, decent-looking, and agreeable though I won't hold it against them if they aren't.


jojo said...
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jojo said...

i will hold it against them... and beat them with it!! muahah